Categories: life

Young Adults are Flaky and Get Upset By the Labels of Narcissistic, Self-Centered and Similar Terms

While no one wishes to be called something they are not, we are quite aware that the generation we live in is very obsessed with who they are and what portrayal of self they are throwing at the world.


But it looks like they are quite flaky with it too.


Yes, the generation called the millennials tends to get more affected by the labels of being narcissistic, self-centered, and other such names. They get upset more than the adults. The age group of these people starts from 18 to 25 years.


A study was taken out that showed millennials and Generation Z both believe they are highly narcissistic. But both of these generations that are considered to be ‘snowflake’ disbelieve the same. The title seems to be offending to them.


The result of the study shows that be it any generation, the young or the adults, both react negatively to the comment on their generation of being narcissistic and self-centered.


It can mean that the generations are more protective about their tribe or it may generally believe that they are not too much associated with the label being put against their name.


Whether in the first place, any or both of the generations are really self-centered and narcissistic or not is really not clear because talking about such a huge mass is difficult.


But the one thing that was correctly found out was that people of both the generations are highly negative accepting it.


Suggest us what is your idea and the idea of people around you. Use the topic in your next group meeting and find out what people around you think of themselves and the generation. This is going to be really fun for sure.


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