Categories: life

“Women For Trump” Event Attracted Hundreds of American Women Who Believe Trump is the Right Choice for American Women

In the event that took place on Wednesday at St.


Paul, Minnesota, hundreds and hundreds of women showed up.

Karen Pence, who was there, speaking in the campaign supported Donald Trump for 2020 elections and told all the women present that Donald Trump is the right choice for them and that they should kneel down in front of God and pray for him to be elected as he is the only one who can assure a good future for the American women.


Along with Pence, Trump’s daughter in law Lara Trump was also present on the stage.

Pence said that she is going to back Donald Trump after what she saw as she says that Donald Trump was great with her daughter Charlotte which tells her how amazing he understands the young women and is apparently working to raise their stake in society.


Pence said at the event that although it is not easy to support the president at all times, he will serve as a blessing for the American women and that he is the best choice.


As per a survey was taken out by a leading newspaper only 30% of women are in favor to vote for Donald Trump as of now.


Trump for Women event took place just a day before Vice President Mike Pence and President Donald Trump were supposed to visit the Twin Cities as they were focused on sharing their plan with the public of turning Minnesota into a red city in 2020.


Pence said that it is the time women see. She says “It is the time we start taking notice when we are graduating from college or high school or is starting a family that there is someone out there who cares about our pocketbook and it is this man.”


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