Categories: Healthlife

34-Year-Old Woman Shared Her Fast-Growing Diet To Sculpt A Brand New Body Within Eight Weeks

In February, Rhana, from Queensland took the F45 Eight Week Challenge.


It is a fitness program that involves 45-minute high-intensity workout classes and a strict three-stage diet program.

The 34-year-old woman took this challenge and stuck with it. Finally, her dedication and hard work have paid off as she sculpted a brand new body in just eight weeks.


‘I was going to the gym a lot before I started F45, but I was plateauing, so I did a trial and loved it,’


‘I had done a few of the eight-week challenges before, but over Christmas, I went overboard and was just eating and drinking. I was the heaviest I had been in ages.’ Rhana told FEMAIL.


That’s when Rhana decided to take this eight-week challenge in February.


‘I put my heart into it – I was exercising six to seven times a week, and I stuck to the food plan perfectly,’ Rhana said.

‘I was drinking no caffeine, no alcohol and no sugar and little carbs in the first two weeks which was the hardest because of cravings and after that I reintroduced carbs.’


‘The last phase was the shredding phase, and that’s where I really upped my training – I was doing double sessions some days.’


But the strict diet and exercise regime was not the hardest part. The hardest part was the food prep.


‘You need a whole day to prep, so you need the time – and if you don’t prep it stuffs you up, so you need to prioritize the food factor,’

‘I did not drink one drop of alcohol or cheat once – that is how you succeed and develop good habits for the future.’


‘Of course, life takes over once you finish but it really kicked me back into gear, and I am still following the same basic principles. My advice is to adopt an 80/20 approach to health – 80 percent healthy and 20 percent cheat – and food prep.’ she said.


Rhana won this challenge as she dropped from 68 kilograms to 60.4 kilograms and lost 6.5 percent body fat.

So, if you are planning to lose weight and transform your body, then this program is surely for you because it really works. Thousands of people took the F45 challenge, and the results were incredible.