Categories: life

Woman Shares A Detailed Plan On How To Escape An ABUSIVE Partner

In the US, almost 20 people per minute are physically abused by their intimate partner, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.


Abusive behavior starts with signs such as possessiveness, threats, distrust, and name-calling and eventually turns into physical violence. Knowing that situations can be life-threatening and difficult to escape from, one woman wrote a detailed plan on how to escape an abusive partner.


Facebook user Maddie shared a guide for anyone who needs to know how to leave their abusive partner. The plan was broken down into sections such as possessions, family, housing, fiancés and work. It also described how to go off the grid as around 60 percent of victims reported being stalked by a former or current intimate partner.


“This is for anyone currently questioning if they should leave their abusive partner. How to safely plan to leave an abusive relationship,” Maddie wrote on Facebook.









Other Facebook users also added more advice.

One person wrote: “Please also remember. An abuser can do most of this as a form of abuse. My mother (abuser) went to the cops about my father saying he was not allowed near me, my brother, or the school. He was arrested for trying to pick us up on his scheduled day. Be aware of what your abuser is doing at all costs. It may hurt you more than anything else. Get away asap, it’s safer and better.”


Another said: “In the U.S. you can use old deactivated cellphones to call 911.”

Someone else commented: “Wife of a cop here. For the love of god: DON’T GO BACK TO THE ABUSER!! So many police resources go to belong DV victims and a lot of the time the victims will go straight back to the abuser because they “think they’ve changed, I still love them.” Stay strong, you can do it.”


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