Categories: Animals/Petslife

21-Year-Old Lives With 70 Reptiles At Her Home Including An Eight-Foot Argentine Boa Constrictor

Watch the woman who lives with more than 70 reptiles


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Video Credit: Rumble

A 21-year-old from Miami takes care of more than 70 reptiles who live with her at her home.

Savi Serrott, also known as the Reptile Queen’, says most of the reptiles she has at her home are deadly but she is not scared as she is doing it for the ‘conservation of the ecosystem’.


Savi told Barcroft TV: “I’ve never been scared to interact with my animals because I trust myself pretty well. I trust how I can read their body language. It all depends on how much you work with them and it depends on who you let interact with them.”

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“Yes I share my house with more than 70 reptiles, but why wouldn’t I want to keep them in my house? It’s the same reason you’d do that with your dog or cat – they’re my pets and they need to be taken care of.point 193 | point 196 | 1

Savi would catch lizards when she was a toddler and caught her first snake when she was just 2. When she was just 6, she got her first reptile.


Savi has an eight-foot Argentine Boa constrictor named Cookie at her home that she calls a ‘sweet snake’. She also has a Colombian Boa, Tree Boas, Ball pythons, Hognose snakes, turtles, tortoises, red-foot tortoises, iguanas, and monitors.


She spends around $350 a month to feed them all. Most of the reptiles she has are deadly but Savi says she is not scared at all.


She said: “People are always scared when they visit my house. Very few people even come into the reptile room. I try to teach them about the reptiles and how they’re not out to get them.”


“I have been bitten a few times actually. But it’s always been my fault. It’s just something you need to keep in mind when you have animals like this.”


Savi now wants to educate people that reptiles are not dangerous and horrible creatures. They need to be saved just like any other animal.




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