Categories: Familylife

Dad Caught A Predator Who Was Stalking His 15-Year-Old Daughter

We all get worried when it comes to the safety of our children.


Children are innocent, they can easily be exploited. It is best to teach them about the dangers they might face in their daily life.

When this Oklahoma dad found out that someone was stalking his teenage daughter, he took matters into his own hands. He found out that the sexual predator was stalking his 15-year-old daughter online.


Jeremy Dewayne Gibson was sending this 15-year-old girl nude pictures over Facebook.

The father went to the Police after finding out about it but they told him they couldn’t really do anything until the suspect actually showed up.


So, the father decided to catch the sexual predator by himself. He had been tracking his daughter’s phone through app Family Time. He was aware that Gibson was trying to convince his daughter to meet up with him.


He set up a sting operation that involved a tent and a surveillance camera. He somehow managed to convince Gibson that his daughter was waiting for him in the tent.

When he arrived and approached the tent, the father and two other men tackled him to the ground and tied his hands and feet with cable ties.


Gibson allegedly told police that he came to the girl’s home just to talk to her. He is now out on $15,000 bond.

What to do if you encounter a stalker

  • Report to the police what you have experienced.point 268 |

  • Try to document all contact.point 28 | Save SMS, messages on your answering machine, emails, social media messages, letters etc.point 105 |
  • Tell people that you feel threatened.point 139 |
  • Be very clear that you don’t want contact with that person.point 192 | Avoid all contact – even forms of rejection can lead to renewed interest on the part of the stalker.point 276 |

  • You may need to change both your phone number and email address.point 55 | Be careful and think security first when using social media.point 106 |
  • Remember that you can apply for a contact restraining order via the police.point 171 |

Please share this if you think the dad did the right thing in taking the matter into his own hands and bringing the man down!point 272 | 1