Categories: FamilyHealth

11 Common Phrases That Might Indicate That Your Child Is Suffering From Anxiety

Anxiety is a common condition that many of us experience or have undergone as children.


While it can usually be treated, its symptoms may be difficult to spot. If your child is suffering from anxiety, it is important to address it so that it doesn’t progress as they become adults.

Children, unlike adults, don’t know how to express anxiety through conversation. Instead, we have to observe their words more carefully and recognize their inner calls for help. If they are prone to feeling anxious, there’s a high chance that they will frequently use one or more of the following 11 phrases to express themselves.


1. I’m Sorry.

It’s good if your child has manners and know how to apologize when they do something wrong. However, if kids are frequently apologizing and when not needed, it means they feel nervous, insecure, and probably anxious.


2. What’s Wrong With Me?

Everyone has doubts from time to time, but definitely not on a continuous basis. If your child believes that something is wrong with him or her, stay on the sharp lookout for other symptoms of anxiety.



3. Don’t Make Me Do This / Go There.

When your children are reluctant to perform minor tasks or attend school events, they might be feeling anxious about them. In this case, talking with your child and helping them relax is the perfect solution.


4. I’m Too Tired!

Knowing kids very well, they don’t easily get tired. When a child is constantly feeling exhausted, it is probably so due to what’s going on in their head. Thinking consumes energy and wears you down, and the same thing happens to children.



5. Stay With Me… Pleaseeee!

It’s nice that they are attached to you and don’t want to let go. Sometimes, however, separation anxiety might be behind children’s behavior.



6. Can We Leave?

When feeling uncomfortable and anxious in certain situation or place, kids will pull you by the sleeve and ask you if you can leave and return home. While this is a normal reaction, they should learn that backing off from duties and responsibilities isn’t always the right option.


7. I Want To Stay At Home.

Often, adults want the same thing. Home is tested ground that allows us to stay in our comfort zone. Kids now that very well so they might ask you to let them stay at home so that they can avoid triggering anxiety.

8. I Don’t Want To Do It / This / That!

The easiest way to stay unaffected is not to get involved. If you notice that your kid is actively avoiding interactions, social anxiety might be the reason for it.



9. My Body Doesn’t Look Good.

Kids shouldn’t bother about how they look like and should spend time enjoying their youth instead. If your child often finds small mistakes or complain about their body, there’s a high chance they are experiencing emotional and physical anxiety.


10. I Don’t Feel Good.

Sometimes the reason might just be too many candies or playing in the cold. However, if they are commonly saying that they don’t feel well, they probably really don’t. Make sure that you find out why – Anxiety is only one of many potential reasons.


11. Can You Leave The Lights On?

Being afraid of sleeping in the dark is perfectly reasonable and a small night lamp can fix the issue. Nevertheless, if your child wants to sleep with all lights on, sleep anxiety might be the problem. In this case, people often also prefer leaving their doors open, and hallway lights turned on as well.



Children are our treasure, and it’s important that we take good care of their health and prevent future problems. Stay on the lookout for common anxiety-related phrases and if your child is suffering from anxiety, make sure to get professional help to deal with the condition. Also, don’t forget to share this post with other parents so that you can help them protect their children!