Categories: Familylife

Tom Hanks Stopped Filming to Escort A Bride and Father to the Alter

Although it is said that never meet your heroes but Tom Hanks is one such Hollywood hero who will leave you crave for him more.


There are tons of positive reviews that encompass this particular celebrity of Hollywood be it on Twitter or any other social media platform. And his stories are there to light up your exuberance. Here are a few.


Some amongst them are, once he was shooting for ‘Angels and Demons’ when he spotted a bride along with her father who was denied admittance to the church.


He instantly approached the girl and escorted her from there all the way outside. On another occasion, Tom was passing by in casuals before 4 girl scouts selling cookies who spotted him and after that, he bought 4 boxes of cookies from the kids and gave them $20 extra. 


A student named Lauren also got back her ID card, when Tom found it on the street while going for a jogging session. He also made a newlywed couple overawed with his surprise visit at the banquet hall where it was being celebrated.


He also one day gave a mischievous reply to a sly typewriter who once tried to bribe him against a rare 1934 Smith Corona which the actor declined very cleverly by sending a similar kind of reply to the typewriter. 


Also some years back a journalist tried to take an interview from Tom but retorted by saying that ‘I need coffee’ and after a few minutes later he patted her back saying ‘I really needed coffee’ and that’s the way he is solely different from other celebs.


And no one could simply play a better Mr. Rodgers other than him passing by onlookers, draped with dark shades and a baseball camp, this Philadelphia actor is going to be the inspiration of many generations for years to come. 


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