Categories: Entertainmentlife

32 Years Old Tom Felton Regrets Aging and Gets Teased by Co-Star Matthew Lewis

Aging has never been the favorite of any mortal to date on earth and Felton’s faces and expresses the same.


The young, evil and smart kid playing Draco Malfoy in the very popular Harry potter of J.K Rowling is attaining a taste of their age today.


Right from the beginning of the making of the Potter series, the Brit celebs have been none less than best buddies.


Lewis who played Neville Longbottom is in his thirties now while Felton as Malfoy is thirty-two and both shared a playful brotherly conversation on the social media that the fans had been cherishing and laughing at.


The conversation dates the fan minds back to the days when the two incredibly strong characters of Harry Potter have simply hated each other on the screens.


There were times when Tom had tried to transform Lewis from Gryffindor to Slytherin on social media but seems like it is time for Lewis to roll Falcon.


The stars have been seen in many reunions so far back in the years but the recent post made by falcon has left his fans a little awed.


The Harry Potter star posted a photograph himself recently where he was standing right in front of his own picture of the little, young and striking Malfoy dressed in the Slytherin robe.


The hilarious caption of the picture stated “Agings a b***h.”


The post was attended and commented by many but the one that caught the attention of both Felton, as well as his fans, was the comment from Lewis, his beloved colleague.


The comment stated, “Speak for yourself lad!” The plain and simple one left Feltonquite trolled which has now gone viral on social media adding a thick layer of fan attention to his social media account.


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