Categories: Funlife

Guy Responds To Rude Tinder Girl Who Fat-Shamed Him After Accidentally Liking His Profile

If you enjoy playing the lottery but don’t want to spend any money on it, go to Tinder.


This blind-date matching platform is full of surprises that can leave you gobsmacked when you least expect them.

While there are plenty of serious people looking for real dating opportunities on Tinder, there are sadly also those who are up to no good. From maniacs to ruthless and inconsiderate people, all kinds of folks may find their way onto the platform only to make the lives of others miserable.


As the guy in this story discovered, there are also people who like others’ profiles only so that they can leave disgusting insults behind.

Little did the girl who insulted our man by calling him “very fat” know, however, that she went up against the calmest guy who didn’t let her insults get the best of him.


Scroll down to see what the psycho girl told the guy she has never talked to before and what his response was!

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point 189 |
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point 0 |
point 100 |
point 200 | point 300 | 1


Soon after the man shared his story, he got plenty of supporters who applauded him for the way he handled the situation. There were also those who condemned the girl for being so rude to someone she doesn’t know the first thing about.


“She must be a lot lighter than most people, not having a soul and all,” one person wrote.

“What’s the point of her telling you that over and over? Why wouldn’t she just unmatch if it was a mistake? I mean everyone has different tastes but it seems so cruel,” another one suggested.



“Anyone can diet and fix a weight problem. There isn’t really a cure to being an a**hole though,” one commenter wrote.

What are your thoughts on this incident and the guy’s response to the girl’s harsh words? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post on Facebook!



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