Categories: Healthlife

Woman Lost 30 Pounds in Just 100 Days By Cutting Out 4 Things From Her Diet

Weight loss is a huge thing and the world is willing to do that.


Almost half of the world’s population wishes to lose weight but all of them do not have enough control to keep up and lose weight.

But Marga Banaga is not one of such people. She took her new year’s resolution and kept stuck to it. She took up the resolution to eat healthily and to exercise every day and guess what, the results were amazing.


She shared her after and before pictures on Instagram stating that she has lost 30 pounds in just 100 days. She was excited and captioned it with “I Did It.”


Guess her hard work paid off. She added “I managed to keep 100 days with a clean diet. Never had a cheat day and I am more than just happy with the results now.

So what was it that she did to get this major transformation? Well, she took her diet and changed it completely. She kept away from alcohol, meat, sugar, sweets, and cheese.


She was taking a vegetarian diet that included a lot and a lot of vegetables and fruits along with seafood. She made a YouTube video on the same and has shared how she has lost her weight in her 20 minutes long video.


Banaga was the heaviest she had ever been and the New Year was around. That is when she decided to take the resolution and continued on her path of success.


In the first 2 weeks, she said that she had no visible changes but within a month her body had started feeling different and her clothes were fitting better.


If she can do it so can you, take your challenge today and start doing it because success only comes to those who work for it.

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