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6 Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Going In For A Job Interview

The first impression is the last impression especially when it comes to going for an interview and leaving an impact on your future boss.


We all start preparing for job interviews and get nervous while facing the situation in reality.

There is no one in the world who don’t feel worried while going for a job interview and it is quite normal. But there are few things which you should keep in mind to avoid any blunder at interview.


Here is a list of the things which you should not do before a job interview if you don’t want to lose the position.

1. According to scientists, there are many people who don’t prefer strong smells of expensive French perfume, cheap cigarettes, or sweat. They even get headaches, and feel nauseated and even have a burning sensation in their eyes with strong smells.

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If you don’t want to make people uncomfortable with the strong smell then you should use perfume and lotion with a strong smell at the same time. Don’t eat any foods with strong flavors, like tuna, boiled eggs, or onions before a job interview.


2. Don’t watch T.V late night before a job interview as doctors found that the light from devices has a negative effect on our vision and causes insomnia, and in rare cases, even depression. The lack of sleep will also slow down your thinking process and you won’t be able to concentrate on questions asked by the interviewer.

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3. Don’t try to be too personal with the employer as you don’t know what kind of nature he or she has. Not everyone likes to know about someone’s past stories and if you think being too friendly would help you in getting a job then you are wrong.


4. Dry lips will make you look sick so take a water bottle with you when you are going for a job interview. There are chances that you might get nervous during the interview and water will help you to get out of the situation.

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5. Use a professional e-mail address for business instead of an unprofessional with a nickname or something childish. The recruiter identifies you easily when you provide a professional e-mail id to them.


6. We all make mistake as we are human and it is natural to be not perfect. But before sending a CV for a job interview you need to double-check it to make sure it is written properly without any error.



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