Categories: Healthlife

10 Things We’ve Been Doing Wrong With Our Skincare Routine

Beautiful skin increases the beauty of a woman, it is god gifted but everyone can achieve it with daily care.


When it comes to caring for our skin, it’s hard to know what to believe. Our grandmothers are telling us to do one thing, while the internet is saying that we must NEVER do that thing. Many people who are prone to pimples or have oily skin gravitate toward exfoliators and cleansers that dry things out.

Well, I’m here to make it easy for you.


I’ve compiled a real list of things we’ve been doing wrong this entire time when it comes to our skincare routines, and which steps you can take to easily correct them.

1 Sleeping With Makeup On


We’re all guilty of this, but it seriously needs to stop, for the sake of our own faces! Sleeping with makeup on clogs pores, and going to bed with a dirty face will only increase bacteria buildup.

2 Using the wrong cleanser


Squeaky clean skin isn’t as good for you as it may seem. The normal pH of our skin is around 5.5. That’s why cleansers with a higher pH can cause acne, by provoking our sebaceous glands to produce more sebum than we naturally need.

3 Not using a toner


Toners are often misunderstood and most people don’t know if they should use it or how to use it.point 185 | Before moisturizing and following your facial cleanser, a face toner helps to remove excess dirt, traces of oil and makeup, correct and balance the pH of your skin, and helps control acne.point 342 |


In other words, a facial toner thoroughly cleans the skin and helps remove built-up surface dead skin cells.point 91 | By helping to clean and close pores, it’s especially beneficial for acne-prone skin.point 169 | point 169 | 1

4 Using too many exfoliating products


We all have our beauty routine or are trying to find just the right one.point 158 | But you may be using too many active products at once, tipping the scales toward irritation rather than being beneficial.point 260 |


“If your skin has become sensitive, red, or flaky, chances are you’re overdoing it,” says Barron.point 100 | He suggests alternating a soothing product like Paula’s Choice CLINICAL Instant Calm Advanced Redness Relief every other day with your peels, retinoids, and active serums.point 253 |


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5 Popping pimples

When a dermatologist drains a pimple, he or she will apply downward pressure perpendicularly to the skin’s surface, explains Gross.point 233 |


But when people try to do it themselves, they usually squeeze from the side, which causes the infection to go deeper, a major backfire that can permanently enlarge pores.point 142 | “However tempting it may be to pop a pimple, try to resist,” says Gross.point 213 |


“If the temptation is too much, try washing your face with a clean washcloth.point 70 | If the pimple is ready to ‘pop,’ this is all the pressure needed to drain it.point 144 | point 151 | 1

6 Avoid using oils


Even if your skin is more on the oily side, you should definitely use oils to moisturize your skin. Lack of hydration leads to even more active work of our sebaceous glands, and we don’t need that. It is better to use oils with linoleic acid like organic rosehip oil, hemp seed oil, or pumpkin seed oil.


7 Not using SPF products

This one should be a given. Even when it’s overcast or cold outside, your skin is still being exposed to harsh UV rays. Protect your face (and neck!) from sun damage by applying a sunscreen with SPF each and every day before you leave the house.


8 Sleeping On A Cotton Pillowcase

Although cotton is a breathable fabric, it’s not the softest. Sleeping on a cotton pillowcase can cause rubbing, tugging, and general irritation to your skin. Switch to a silk pillowcase to prevent wrinkles and to reduce inflammation and hair frizz.


9 Not taking proper food

The adage that ‘you are what you eat’ is very true in the case of skin sensitivity but diet is too often ignored as a contributor to skin health.point 241 |


A healthy and varied diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and omega 3 fatty acids is key to keep skin hydrated and provide all the vitamins and minerals it needs to perform a healthy function.point 183 | Research suggests that antioxidant-rich foods have a protective effect on the skin.point 255 |


Drink lots of water for good skin.point 28 | point 28 | 1

10 Sleeping With Your Hair Loose

And again, who knew that our hair could be such a big culprit in creating problem skin? If you sleep with your hair down, the oils from your hair come into contact with your face, causing bacteria buildup and even acne. Try sleeping with your hair (gently!) pulled back from your face instead.




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