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Kindergarten Teacher Who Poisoned 25 And Killed One Student Sentenced to Death

A Chinese kindergarten teacher was sentenced the death penalty after she poisoned the student’s breakfast porridge following an altercation with her colleague.


Of the 25 children who were poisoned as a result of this horrendous deed, one died.

ⓒ – May Tse/South China Morning Post via Getty Images

The Jiaozuo courts sentenced Wang Yun to death after characterizing the teacher as a deplorable and dangerously violent individual. Saying that the they must apply the maximum punishment within the legal boundary, Wang faces capital punishment.


According to the BBC and other media sources, the poisoning itself took place on March 27 of last year. Wang was said to have been in an extremely angry mood after she had a big disagreement with her fellow teacher over student management – an irony considering what she went on ahead and did.


News reports and court documents show that Wang used Sodium Nitrite to poison the classic breakfast menu. Found in food additives, explosives and ammunition, the chemical compound is extremely toxic when consumed by the human body as it prevents absorption of Oxygen.

ⓒ – Global News

According to an interview with the CNN, one of the parents whose child was poisoned said he rushed to the kindergarten after she heard that her child was violently vomiting. Vomiting is our body’s defense mechanism to remove the toxic substances from our body.


This father recalled the scary scene that he witnessed when he got to the kindergarten. According to him, his child had threw up all over his pants, while many of his friends also looked extremely pale after throwing up as well.

According to a different parent, the kids allegedly said that the porridge tasted saltier than usual. This is because the poison included sodium, a chemical that is included in our table salts. One of the victims passed away after fighting in the hospital for 10 months.

ⓒ – Ground News

Investigations showed that this was not the first time that Wang used this chemical to poison others. In 2017, she had similarly added sodium nitrite to her husband’s drink after an argument. As is the norm in China, Wang will be executed via an injection or by the firing squad.


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