Categories: life

20-Year-Old Student Passed Away After Eating Leftover Pasta

A 20-year-old student from Brussels in Belgium died in his sleep after eating five-days-old leftover pasta.


The five-days-old leftover pasta was put in the fridge and the 20-year-old student named AJ put the bowl of five-days-old food in the microwave to heat it up and ate it for lunch.

He started feeling unwell and started throwing up. He was suffering from headaches, abdominal pain, and nausea due to the old food.


He just took some medicine and went to bed thinking it was just food poisoning.

When his parents found him on the bathroom floor, they immediately called for an ambulance.


He was rushed to the hospital but unfortunately, died.

A post mortem report revealed that he had died from a form of food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus.

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The report said:


“Immediately after eating, he left home for his sports activities, but he returned 30 minutes later because of a headache, abdominal pain, and nausea. At his arrival, he vomited profusely for several hours and at midnight had two episodes of watery diarrhea.”


“He did not receive any medication and drank only water. After midnight, he fell asleep. The next morning at 11:00 AM, his parents were worried because he did not get up. When they went to his room, they found him dead.”

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Dr. Bernard, a licensed practitioner who looked into his story, said:


“Typically, food poisoning just causes stomach inflammation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, it doesn’t typically cause acute liver failure, and even worse, we can’t find out which bacteria is causing the problem because culturing it would take days — days A.J. doesn’t have because his liver is quickly shutting down,”


“It is important to note that this is not a typical food poisoning case. Many people eat pasta, or any other form of noodles, that are leftover for a day or two and they’re fine.”

“But be careful of food left out for more than a few hours. If the food smells funny, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.”