Categories: FunlifeQuiz

How Fast Can You Spot The Marshmallow Hiding Among The Seals?

©Gergely Dudás - TheDudolf

From trying to spot hidden objects to finding hidden words, we all love to take on a stimulating brainteaser now and then.


Not only do these challenges keep us entertained but they also help us improve our concentration and mental strength through a fun exercise.

©Gergely Dudás – TheDudolf

This time, your objective is to take a close look at the picture above and find a marshmallow hiding somewhere among the seals.


The challenge was designed by Gergely Dudás, a Hungarian artist who is renowned for creating hide-and-seek puzzles that leave people baffled.

So, let’s get to work! Set your timer and start searching for the marshmallow!

Source – Pixabay

Did you find the hidden confectionery yet? How long did it take you to spot it? If you’re still struggling to see the marshmallow, here’s one final hint that should help you solve the puzzle: The marshmallow is located close to the center of the picture!


Take another close look at the picture before checking out the solution below.

©Gergely Dudás – TheDudolf

If you liked this challenge, here’s another hide-and-seek puzzle by Dudás. This time, you are required to compare the picture on the left to the picture on the right.

©Gergely Dudás – TheDudolf

While both pictures look the same at first glance, there are actually several differences at work and your job is to spot them all!


To help you out with your quest, we can reveal that there are a total of SEVEN differences waiting to be found. Keep in mind that you should focus on small details, whereas some differences are not very obvious and are pretty hard to spot.

Once you’ve found them all, make sure you check out the edited picture below to verify your answers!

©Gergely Dudás – TheDudolf

What are your thoughts on these puzzles? Did you manage to solve them both? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more news and stories, follow us on Facebook!