Categories: life

Son Taken Away By Hurricane Dorian After Father Placed Him On The Roof Away From Floodwater

A young boy was tragically taken away by strong winds after his father put him on a roof to protect him from floodwater and circling sharks as Hurricane Dorian was slamming the Bahamas.


Despite the best intentions of 38-year-old Adrian Farrington who protected his son from the rapidly rising floodwater and sharks surrounding their home, 5-year-old Adrian Jr. succumbed to the hurricane as its winds swept him off the roof.

Adrian Farrington

“I still could remember him reaching for me and calling, ‘Daddy,’” heartbroken father from Murphy Town, Abaco, recalled in an interview with the Nassau Guardian.


As Adrian admitted he placed his son on the roof because he believed he would be safer there than in the water infested with sharks.


After placing him on the roof, the dad attempted to join his son only for the wind to take control of the boy and sweep him off the roof.


Despite jumping into the debris-filled floodwater and breaking his leg in the process, the 38-year-old was unable to find his son.


“I ain’t find nothing. I come back up. I hold my breath and I gone back down again,” he claimed.

“All this time, people carried my wife to safety and they calling me, but I ain’t want to go because I didn’t want to leave my son.”


Refusing to believe that his son has most likely passed away during the ordeal, the family continued to plead with the public to help them find their son.


Adrian Jr. is one of many unfortunate souls that had gone missing during the unforgivable Category 5 hurricane.

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