Categories: FunlifeQuiz

Can You Solve This Puzzle For Geniuses? Only People With High IQ Can Figure It Out!

A puzzle made for geniuses has been circulating the internet after people were urged to solve it.


If you consider yourself a very observant and intelligent person, you will now get the chance to put all of your skills to the test in one simple challenge.

©Bright Side

We can guarantee you that the answer to this puzzle is very easy, and once you’ve seen it you won’t be unable to see it!


Look carefully at the picture above and see if you can figure out which of the shapes featured under letters A, B, C, D, and E belongs in the square with the question mark inside.

Source – Pixabay

There is only one solution to this puzzle. Take your time!


Before we reveal the solution, here’s one big hint that might just help you solve the riddle on your own. What you see in the colored boxes is a sequence of… something. Find out what it is by taking a closer look. What are those lines forming?


Have you figured it out yet? The answer is E! If you look closely, the lines in the colored boxes form numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. The number missing is 5 and it is hiding in the letter E.

©Bright Side

Were you able to solve the picture riddle on your own? Now, it’s time to relax your brain a bit and focus on your vision instead.


In this next challenge, you can see a series of red and white baubles. Somewhere among the ornaments, however, there is an intruder. Spot it!

©Bright Side

Are you still looking for the odd one out? Here’s a bit of help. What you’re looking for is a lollipop that looks exactly like a bauble thanks to its color. If you focus, however, you might be able to spot a stick sticking right out of it!


Here’s the solution.

©Bright Side

How did you like these puzzles? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!