Categories: Healthlife

Two Smart College Boys Sold Masks to be Safe From Coronavirus and Made £10,000

Two young students of the university from Bournemouth have made £10,000 after they found a loophole in the market.


Yes, for what is going in the world, these smart students started selling masks to stay safe from the coronavirus and now, their business boomed.


17 years old Gabriel Becker who is studying in Twynham Sixth Form, said that he was inspired to do something like this from War Dogs.


The film that stared Jonah Hill and Miles Teller inspired the young boy where the two childhood friends get together and supply arms in the war-making a handsome amount of profit.

Gabriel realized he can make extensive money by catching the nerve of the market so he got the idea of selling masks.


He then took in his 18 years old buddy Luke Gamble who goes to Bournemouth Academy of Modern Music.  


Gabriel said “I was watching the news about the virus and was planning on to buy a couple of masks because I was going to London. This is when it hit me.


I looked for it, searched deeper and deeper and found that there not too many people who are selling the masks and so there is a huge gap in the market. So we jumped on the opportunity.” 


“I wanted to do some business ever since because I know how much money you can make.” 


“I went to doctor’s surgeries and from there I had contacted a Spanish supplier for the masks.”

“Since then I have had sold 400 wholesale orders and have made £4,600.”

The duo did great as they bought a pack of ten masks for just 17p and sold them at £7-£8 per pack from their eBay accounts separately.


It is said that he has already made £5,000 on his eBay and had sold more than 1,000 on her very first day till afternoon. 


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