Categories: Healthlife

Skinny Girl And Big Woman Compared Their Diet And Were Both Surprised

The type of diet we consume primarily determines our weight and body size.


In short, we can’t out-exercise a bad diet. While most people think of obesity and being overweight when a “bad diet” is mentioned, there are those who actually end up on the other end of the spectrum by being too skinny. It’s actually a disorder called anorexia where the person thinks he/she is overweight even if they are already undernourished.

Supersize vs Superskinny was a British television show that ran from 2008 to 2014. The show featured women at opposite ends of the weight/size spectrum, as the title suggests. They then swap diets for a few days so that they can experience the other person’s eating lifestyle.


In this video from the same TV program, Julie (the supersized one) and Jade (super skinny) meet for the first time.

See how both Julie and Jade are taken aback by each other and by what the other’s diet consists of:


Would you also swap diets with someone else? Let us know in the comments section!