Categories: Familylife

Sister Accidentally Broke Her Brother’s Favorite Plate And Asked People On The Internet For Help

We all are attached to something we possess, it can be anything like a family picture, dolls, teddy bears or just anything.


The same case is of an autistic boy whose favorite ‘Dragon Tales’ plate was special for him.

His sister accidentally broker her brother’s plate and asked people on social media for a very specific plate. The plate featured the characters from his favorite animated series and it was the only thing the autistic boy would eat from.

Tamar Dubin

Tamar Dubin wrote on Reddit: ‘’I accidentally broke my autistic brother’s favorite Dragon Tales plate and I can’t find it anywhere online. If some-one finds one like or similar to it (online or in your basements) I’d pay you for it and you’d be really helping us out! THANK YOU, INTERNET FOLK! :)’’


‘’This plate is the only thing that works for Daniel, so it’s very important to him that this is the plate he eats off of as this is what he’s comfortable with and he’s used to that,’’ explained Tamar.

Tamar Dubin

Daniel is a huge fan of animated characters as he only communicates using lines he learns from PBS and Nick Junior TV shows. His favorite show is Dragon Tales, and that is the reason the plate featuring the characters of the show has become his favorite too.


He uses this plate for his constant meals of microwavable grilled cheese and leaves it on his desk ready for him to use again when he returns from school.

Tamar Dubin

His family was not sure if  Tamar’s post will help them to get the same plate again. But luckily, Forrest Markham who had this plate as a kid immediately contacted boy’s mom about it and the plate was sent to their home without wasting time.


People on Reddit were very helpful and showed their concern regarding this matter.

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Tamar Dubin

One wrote: “As the mom of an autistic son, who I just spent $25 on an obscure cartoon character plush used in a Nascar marketing campaign 10 years ago, I feel this.point 319 |


We’ve ran into the issue of looking to strangers, collectors, yard sales, etc.point 72 | to replace loved and treasured items.point 104 | It is an amazing sense of peace and happiness when you find what your loved one is looking for.point 181 | point 188 | 1