Categories: Healthlife

10 Physical Signs That Tell You Your Body Is Under Too Much Stress

When we’re under stress for a prolonged period of time, our health can suffer tremendously.


That’s because our brains perceive being stressed out as being constantly under threat. And we all know how exhausting that can be.

Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain caused by adverse circumstances.

At one point or another, most people deal with feelings of stress. In fact, one study found that 33% of adults reported experiencing high levels of perceived stress.


The condition is associated with a long list of physical and mental symptoms.

1 Skin issues

Pityriasis rosea is only one of the skin issues you can develop due to emotional stress. Many people say they got the rash in the aftermath of a troubling life event. Other such problems include acne or other rashes.


When some people are feeling stressed out, they tend to touch their faces more often. This can spread bacteria and contribute to the development of acne.

Several studies have also confirmed that acne may be associated with higher levels of stress.


One study measured acne severity in 22 people before and during an exam. Increased levels of stress as a result of the exam were associated with greater acne severity.

2 Weight change


If you’ve gained or lost weight considerably lately, then this is a sign of concern. You’ve been trying to stabilize your weight with a proper diet and regular exercising, but with no success. Chances are you are under psychological stress.


Some really intense experiences can make you gain extra pounds. As it turns out, frequent stressful situations increase the production of the hormone cortisol. It stabilizes the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and supports the necessary levels of sugar in the blood. If a person has too much of the hormone, the person will eat more, the body will produce less testosterone, and the body will burn fewer calories. And this will make you gain weight.


3 Frequent colds

We usually catch the flu when our immune systems are weaker, and that’s exactly what stress does (among many other things). It messes up our immune system and makes you more vulnerable to varied viruses. So next time, you catch a cold, don’t blame it on the weather. Try to see what goes on in your life at that moment, what upsets you.


4 Stomach problems

Your digestive system is also in danger when it comes to how stress affects us. Scientists have proven that stress does have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract. That’s why, in some cases, medication just won’t work. Perhaps consulting a psychologist could help ease your anxiety and thus eliminate stomachaches.


5 Difficulties in concentrating

Can’t focus at work? Blame it on stress. There’s no doubt that you can’t focus when you feel tense or constantly worried. People who have been under stress for a long time find it hard to focus on tasks. If you notice that you have become less focused than usual, maybe it’s time to slow down a little and have a rest.


6 Loss of hair

Stress is one of the leading causes of hair loss and hair thinning. You may have tried different vitamins without any significant change. If that’s the case for you, then perhaps finding ways to relax could do the trick.


7 Headaches

Many studies have found that stress can contribute to headaches, a condition characterized by pain in the head or neck region. If you can’t seem to ward off the constant migraines, know that it may because you’re too stressed out. In this case, taking pills to momentarily ease the pain will not help as they will return.


8 Low libido

Yes, stress can wreak havoc on your sex life as well. An emotionally drained person, someone who is often exposed to stress, usually has quite a low libido. Scientists conducted a study and came to such a conclusion. It’s quite ironic because sex can alter your mood and release tension, but as we all know, it requires energy. If you feel drained, maybe you need a vacation.


9 Insomnia or oversleeping

Stress and anxiety can interfere with your sleeping patterns as well. How many times did we worry ourselves to (none)sleep? Before you go on sleeping pills, make sure you address the problems you may have.


10 Heart problems

Ever heard of heartbreak? Yes, it looks like emotional pain takes its toll on our cardiovascular system too. A rapid heartbeat may also be caused by high blood pressure, thyroid disease, certain heart conditions, and by drinking large amounts of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages. So please take care of your heart.




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