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A Hostage Rescued In Malaysia! A Kidnapped Puppy Was Saved From A Wild Monkey After Three Days

This incident occurred in Malaysia on September 16, 2021, when a 2-week-old puppy got kidnapped by a wild monkey who kept him in the jungle for three days.


Source: ViralPress

The black and white puppy was rescued after three days by the residents and a rescue team. According to the people who witnessed the whole thing, the wild monkey took the dog and went into the jungle via electricity lines. He kept the poor little thing there for three days.

Source: ViralPress

People saw the monkey again after three days when he came back, holding the dog, to the human residential area to get food. On his arrival, the rescue members and the residents tried to save the dog by throwing small rocks and wood pieces at the wild creature.

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Source: Mail Online

Unfortunately, this trick didn’t work out.point 156 | Later, the rescue team members threw firecrackers at the primate.point 212 |


Hearing loud voices and seeing the fire, the monkey dropped the 2-week-old puppy and went back into the jungle.point 93 | The puppy was tired, but it not injured at all.point 131 | The monkey was treating him like a friend or a baby, and this is a good thing nevertheless.point 205 | 1


A local checked the poor little creature for any sign of injury and adopted him on the spot. He named the puppy ‘Saru’. Saru is perfectly alright now and has a kind owner. After this incident, the locals have concluded that the disappearance of many animals from this area in the past might be due to these monkeys.

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Source: Mail Online

The government of Malaysia is also responsible for this incident.point 173 | Despite receiving several complaints from the locals about these wild monkeys, not a single proper action has been taken to help the residents near the jungle.point 307 |


Although, the wildlife department of the country has killed many wild animals who were a cause of chaos for the people in previous years, but that was not enough.point 134 | 1

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