Categories: FamilyFamilylife

Plus-size Woman Gets Trolled For Marrying A Skinny Man As People Say She Is Too Big For Him

A plus-size woman, who wears a dress size 22, is criticized for marrying her husband who wears small sizes.


Hannah Quayle, from Newark, Nottinghamshire, has been mocked and told that she is too big to marry her husband William.

Hannah and William met in 2015 and they developed a strong bond immediately.

The Sun

Hannah said: “William and I met through mutual friends in 2015. We clicked straight away with our conversation and that we both loved playing on our games consoles.”


The pair moved in together after eight weeks but Hannah had to deal with negative comments while she was dating William.

People would call her “fatty” and tell her she is too big for William. She even lost her family and friends when she started dating William.


Some of her friends would say William is too skinny and how does he cope with her. Some strangers called her a “whale” and “fatty” when Hannah and William were out in public.

Hannah said: “If we have kissed in the street, people have walked past saying: ‘How are they together?’”


“It is annoying, as Will can eat a whole cake and still lose weight. Strangers have even walked past and have called me a “whale” next to him. Of course it hurts my feelings.”

However, the couple has now been married for three years and has a one-year-old son Spencer.

The Sun

Will had a fall out with some of his family members because they were rude to Hannah.

Hannah has always struggled with her weight and has tried many diets but nothing happened.


After she gave birth to her son Spencer who was born with two rare diseases, Bladder exstrophy, and Alpha-1, she couldn’t even get time for herself to lose weight.

The negative comments hurt Hannah but she says William doesn’t let her feel bad about herself as he is a great husband.


She says: “Will is always there reassuring me with how much he loves me and how he married me for who I am. He loves my curves and makes me feel good. He also cooks the best things in the world!”

“He is my world. He is my soulmate and I can’t imagine myself with anyone else. It has been really challenging for us as a pair but we know we are right for each other.”

The Sun

While William says the mean comments will never affect the love he has for his beloved wife.

He feels bad when people say bad things about Hannah’s weight and mock her for marrying a skinny man but it doesn’t affect him anymore as he says they are happy together and what people think doesn’t matter to them.


William says: “I thought she was beautiful from the first moment we met and I still think exactly the same. We have so much in common and we have our own little family now. Everything is perfect.”



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