Categories: HealthHealthlife

PO53: A New Drug Has Come Into The Market, Which Forces The Body To BURN Fat Even On An Unhealthy Diet

Experts have invented a pill which blocks the body from building fatty tissue!Say goodbye to your stubborn fats as a new pill has come into the market, which will force your body to burn the excessive fats even if you have an unhealthy diet.


Pharmaceutical scientists have found a new fat burning pill, which will help people to fight obesity in the easiest way than ever before. The pill will halt the fat creating process of the body, which will help to prevent a range of diseases such as heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer as well as dementia.

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A study conducted on mice showed that when these pills were given to the subjects, they managed to remain slim despite eating foods that are high on fat.point 245 |


The pill that goes by the name PO53 caused the muscles to burn the cholesterol, which prevents the building of fats, and the scientists believe that this will provide with the same result on humans like it did on mice.point 179 | 1

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Experts believe that by the end of 2045, more than a quarter of the total population of earth will start suffering from obesity and the world is in dire need of a remedy which will affect humans to stay slim despite an irregular or abnormal diet, and this pill is a major stage towards tackling this kind of crisis.


The scientists from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia experimented with finding the cause of type II diabetes, and they have found that Obesity has been the major reason behind it as obesity resists the secretion of Insulin, which is the hormone that is responsible for controlling blood sugar. According to the researchers, this the first time in the history of mankind that they have found a drug that would burn fat at such a level.


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