Categories: FunlifeQuiz

What’s Wrong With This Photo? 90% Of People Couldn’t Spot The Error!

Optical illusions and picture puzzles are some of the best ways for you to train your mind and keep your brain active.


As we should all know, regular mental exercise is just as important as physical training. For that reason, we’re back with another vision test that will challenge your attention and your ability to focus.

Here are the rules of the game. Take a close look at the photo below and try to spot the error within 30 seconds.

Credit – Hans via Pixabay and Capri23auto via Pixabay

Let’s get started! In the picture, you can see a cluster of dark-red delicious-looking cherries. They are still attached to the branch and awaiting a hungry visitor to pick and eat them.


But where’s the big mistake? While 90% of viewers couldn’t spot it right away, we can guarantee it’s in there somewhere.

To spot it, we suggest you focus on the center of the photo!

Source – Pexels

Have you found the error yet? It’s very big!


Here’s one final clue before we reveal the correct answer. One of the fruits in the picture is actually not a cherry.

If you look really closely, you’ll see that the ‘cherry’ in the middle of the photo is actually an apple of the same color!

Credit – Hans via Pixabay and Capri23auto via Pixabay

How long did it take you to spot the intruder? If you enjoyed this challenge, make sure you also take part in the picture puzzle below.


This time, you’ll be looking for a mistake in a breathtaking photo of a pride of lions. Once again, the objective is to find the error within 30 seconds.

Credit – Aboeka via Pixabay and STVIOD via Pixabay

Where’s the mistake this time? Is there something wrong with the two lions in the center?


Though all of the animals in the picture are felines, one doesn’t belong in the pride and should run for its life before the lions spot it!

Take another look at the photo and scroll down for the solution once you’re sure you’ve done your best to spot the error.

Credit – Aboeka via Pixabay and STVIOD via Pixabay

What are your thoughts on these brain teasers? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to SHARE this post with your family and friends. For more riddles and stories, follow us on Facebook!