Categories: life

10 Times People Who Parked Like Jerks Got What They Deserved

City life is filled with life struggles and finding a parking spot is one of these struggles, Everyone is familiar with the hustle of getting parking each and every day.


Getting parking space in busy cities like New York and Los Angeles is especially a big challenge. Some people are always fond of making it extra difficult to find a spot. Regardless of the area you reside, some people are just nightmares- parking in some rather inconsiderate manner.


Although we rarely follow up on such horrible parkers, some individuals actually resolve to do something about it. Those fantasies we all have of revenge have actually happened to some inconsiderate parking jobs.

Here are ten instances where some individuals who actually acted upon horrid parking, by using some really unique revenge tacks.


Some 10 perfect examples of parking karma.

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  1. Sometimes exhaustive instructions are needed.

When individuals really appear not to get it, occasionally it warrants to explain it to them. It helps to kill these problems with kindness, as the old saying goes or maybe some passive-aggressiveness, as the case may be.

  1. Never ever park in a handicap spot if you not allowed to do so- karma will be swift and severe.

Surely the worst parking offence anyone can commit is parking in a handicap parking spot. These spots are set for individuals who actually need them. This shopping trolley punishment is truly legendary!

  1. Trash parkers be warned! Prepare to be treated the same way you park.

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  1. Even a Rolls Royce won’t save you if you’re an inconsiderate parker.


We all have come across individuals owning luxurious and expensive cars. Some of these drivers decide to park in between multiple spaces in an effort to protect their car. In this case the driver unfortunately got his tires slashed! Maybe it went a bit too far but the moral of the story remains.

  1. Let’s be practical now; don’t ever try parking in a working zone, it’s never a smart idea.

Construction workers never mess around with their parking spaces. This driver got their mini in built around a constructed structure. Illegally parking in front of a construction site is a definite NO!

  1. Parking outside the lanes will get you marked by passers-by and label new lines just for you!

To avoid unnecessary embarrassment, just ensure you’ve parked in between the lines. Everybody hates a lousy parker. On the flip side, now we have good motivation to carry chalk around with us everywhere we go.

  1. Let’s ironically celebrate this ‘Great’ parking maestro with a couple of balloons and an award.

Although this may require that you have access to the persons vehicle. It’s a really comical way of telling off really bad parking habits of friends and relatives.
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  1. As shown previously, a good congratulatory letter is in order.

Although it may not be very effective, but it serves to get the word out and let the culprit know someone’s watching.

  1. Carly Rae Jepsen, this one’s for all your fans with bad parking habits!

Might not be the exact words but I’m pretty sure they got the message.

  1. This is only in case all other efforts fail, print up some business cards to give parking offenders around your street.

This might just do the trick!