Categories: DIYlife

Man Builds an Operational V6 Engine Model From Paper

Have you ever loved DIYs so much that you spend hours and hours on it to make the object perfect? If yes, then you will definitely be able to relate to this guy who builds a V6 engine model from paper that works perfectly fine.


Watch the video here:

[rumble video_id=vbdsw domain_id=u7nb2]

Video Credit: Rumble


The best part of the engine is that it is eco-friendly since it is made of paper and runs on air. Isn’t that surprising?


The man’s YouTube channel is named as Al Zh, where he uploads various DIYs that never fail to astonish the viewers. Among a variety of miniature creations, the man has built many functioning models of turboprops that are powered by dry ice.


Nonetheless, the man’s most recent work is outstanding. He has designed the simplest form of fan-like mechanism that is driven by a balloon, which contains the compressed air and drives cylinders through shafts.


You might be wondering which air is in the balloon. Well, it is not special – it is the air that we breathe out.

Al Zh claims that whenever he has an inspiration, he can spend all his leisure time in modeling. This made him spend two weeks to put up the contraption.


The man explains that the crankshaft is made of cardboard knees and a paper axis. He has folded all of them using his hands and bounded them using superglue.


When Reddit saw the man’s model, it started begging the man for the plans. As a response, he refused.

The man’s instructions are hidden for now for various reasons.


He claims that the creation of a pattern requires an enormous amount of time. He added that he could not say it was easy to make. However, he said, you can rebuild something from scratch once you are patient and can see that the idea is possible.


This man has inspired a majority of people that have watched his videos. All you require is to have loads of paper, some tubes of superglue, patience, and a lot of time.


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