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A Mom Said It’s Outrageous That Dads Can’t Stay Overnight In Maternity Wards

Writer Annie Ridout, from London, explained it is “outrageous” that her local hospital doesn’t allow dads to stay in postnatal wards after their baby is born.


Annie shared her views on Twitter after explaining that she has given birth to her child. But, her husband was not allowed to stay on the postnatal ward following the birth of their child.

She wrote: “I think this is outrageous – unfair on the mother; unfair on the father, who’s being made to feel unimportant. He needs to bond too. Do other UK hospitals have this rule?”

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Many moms supported her and said, that the rules were “annoying” and that new moms “need support” after labor.


One wrote: “That is insane!! I am in Leicester and my partner was able to stay as long as he wanted. You need support after giving birth.”

Another added: “It’s such a valid point especially when a new family is trying to bond, when there’s a lack of night staff and when a woman needs the physical and emotional support.”


One mom explained that having partners staying over can be a source of comfort for women, and takes the pressure off busy midwives.

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She wrote: “So tricky. I remember my husband and I were both crying when he had to leave a few hours after I had my 1st. The time we needed each other most. But I do see the predicament.”


But some moms showed disagreement on this and said, having men in their maternity ward was disruptive and not peaceful for them and their baby.

One mom explained: “It sounds like a good thing, but after I had someone’s threatening partner staying next to me while bed-bound, I changed my mind.

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“You want your partner there, but I didn’t want anyone else’s.”

And others said the bond wouldn’t be affected by dads spending one night apart from their baby.


One explained: “Hospitals aren’t hotels. It’s one or two nights out of your life. A good dad will bond whatever, doing the first nappy change makes no difference.”

Another added: “I wished that partners hadn’t have been allowed to stay as I got so little sleep due to the loudest snoring husband in my ward.”




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