Categories: +AnimaisFunlife

Curious Mouse Caught Munching On Cannabis Leaves Until It Passed Out

An adorable mouse was caught eating cannabis leaves in Canada until it passed out.


Colin Sullivan said he found the curious rodent munching on his cannabis plants for two days in a row. He shared photos of the cute animal eating the stem and leaves before it was found passed out in the middle of leaves.

Colin Sullivan

Colin then placed the mouse inside a cage for a ’12 step program’ until it can stand again on its own. About a week later, he released the animal back into the wild.


“For two days in a row I’ve caught this little pothead taking leaves off of my plant and eating them until he passes out,” Colin wrote on Facebook.

“He’s missing an ear so it may be self medication for his PTSD but I still think it’s time for an intervention. I’ll let him sleep this one off but when he wakes up he’s getting a real stern talking to.”

Colin Sullivan

Colin shared an update two days later, writing: “So it’s been a couple of rough days for our little baked buddy here and despite a belly ache and a wicked bad case of the munchies I think he’ll make a full recovery.


“He’s been weaned to one medium leaf per day and seems to be adjusting well. One day at a time my friend, one day at a time.”

Colin Sullivan

After three days, Colin said that the rodent was ready to go back to the wild, adding: “On The Rodent To Redemption.


“After a long and desperate battle with addiction this little mouse has grinded up his struggle, picked out the seeds and stems and is ready to roll out.

“Weed all benefit from joining together to help the smoke clear in any addict’s life.

Colin Sullivan

“He did his very cannibest and was awarded his first Twelve Step chip.

“I may have been the one to open his cage but he was the one who set himself free. So long my friend, till we meet again.”

Colin Sullivan

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