Categories: Familylife

Terminally Ill Mother Wrote Touching Birthday Letters So That Her Son Will Remember Her Once She’s Gone

A dying mother has been preparing birthday letters for her 2-year-old son in advance as she doesn’t have much time left and wants her son to remember her once she’s gone.


22-year-old Tyla Livingstone from Scotland is suffering from terminal brain cancer and is expected to have a maximum of five years of time left.


After the young mum was diagnosed with a large tumor back in February 2018, she had begun undergoing excruciating surgeries, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Despite all the attempts to destroy the tumor, however, the mass continued to grow.


Realizing that she doesn’t have much time left, Tyla started feeling “guilty” for leaving her son without his mother.


To give the 2-year-old something to remember her by, she has started writing touching birthday cards and letters that he will be able to read once he gets older and she’s no longer by his side.


“It’s heartbreaking,” the 22-year-old said in an interview with The Sun.


“I feel so guilty over something I cannot control. But I will fight to see as much as I can. My main aim is to see him go to school and for him to remember who I am and my voice. But I’ll always be with him in his heart.”

Deadline News

Speaking of her deadly condition, Tyla added:


“So few people survive longer than five years, it’s nicknamed ‘The Terminator.’ Learning the news was horrific. At that moment I died inside.


“I know my time is running out now. It’s like I’ve won the lottery, but a terrible lottery with no money involved.


“I used to feel awful at school for people who had lost their mum and dad, and it’s so upsetting it’s going to be my son, but in a way I’m glad it’s happening now because at least he doesn’t understand.

Deadline News

“I need him to know his mummy fought desperately hard to be with him, that she loved him so, so much and didn’t choose to leave him.”


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