Categories: Familylife

Mom Responded To The Criticisms She Faced For Strapping Her Daughter On Back During Hunting Trips

Rebekah Stephens has been hunting since she was ten.


As a mother of a nine-month-old, she now hunts with her baby in tow, despite all the backlash she faces.

Rebekah’s passion didn’t falter a bit when she became a mom in August 2018. Instead of giving up on her hobby, she devised a brilliant way to care for her daughter, Isabella, during her hunting trips.


The 30-year-old, from Ohio, USA, fastens the baby to her back so that the duo can easily take down animals in the wild.

Isabella has been accompanying her mother ever since she was born. Her huntress mom has high hopes for her and has even bought her a nice hunting outfit.


Rebekah developed the love for hunting since she accompanied her father on his hunting trip at the age of seven.


From the moment she started hunting, Rebekah has so far killed turkeys, deer, and rabbits, with her biggest achievement being a 14st 4lb whitetail deer.

Using just a bow and arrow, Rebekah takes down animals before using them for food, clothing, home decor, or any other purpose. She tries to make as much use of her hunts as possible.


Though the woman receives severe criticism for her hobby, especially since she takes her baby along, Rebekah knows how to ignore all negativity.


She said: “I get quite a few anti-hunters saying things like, ‘how would you like it if someone hunted you and your baby’ and other things along the lines of, ‘how can you teach an innocent baby such horrible things like hunting?’


“I try not to let it bother me; it can be tough at times, but strangers online don’t know me so really cannot judge me.

“Hands down the best comment was from someone who lets me hunt in their property.

“He said that he thought it was great that I was getting my daughter involved in the outdoors at such a young age and that it was great that I hadn’t stopped doing what I was passionate about just because I had a child.


“I hope that she loves to hunt and fish as I do; she already adores the outdoors. However, if she chooses not to hunt and fish, I will respect her decision.


“There is always much respect in taking a life. If you haven’t been in my shoes and lived this lifestyle, you really can’t judge what is best.”

She continued: “Even at a young age I was obsessed with the outdoors and took to it even more than my brothers. I’m extremely thankful to have a dad who thought girls could hunt too.


“As a little kid, I knew it simply as a way of putting food on the table; we didn’t buy beef, we always had deer meat. As I got older, I saw it as a way to escape the outside world and relax.


“I love everything about hunting, but I’ve always loved being outdoors. It’s peaceful and I see so many things in the woods that others never get to see.


“I’m also providing food for myself and family. Lastly, money from my hunting license goes towards funding conservation.

“Most recently I hunted turkey here in Ohio; you can only hunt when it’s daylight, but I get up extremely early so I’m there before daylight and the turkeys don’t see me walking into the woods.


“Although I’m not sure it’s a hunt I did shoot a few rabbits in the backyard and took my daughter with me.


“Her first official hunt was youth turkey season when I took my friend and her daughter turkey hunting.


“Everything I shoot is eaten or made into something. Furs, antlers, feathers, skulls – I try to use as much as possible and I think that’s important.

“As far as what I use the animal parts for; I make them into home décor, clothing, wall mounts, blankets, anything useful that I can think of.”


Rebekah says the strangers who criticize her should not make judgments without knowing her in person. Despite all the backlash she receives, the mother wants to see her daughter picking up the same hobby in the future.



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