Categories: Familylife

Mom Finally Met Her Boyfriend 12 Years After She Gave Birth To His Daughter

A mother of a 12-year-old girl met her boyfriend, for the first time ever, 12 years after she gave birth to his daughter.


How could that happen?

Jessica Share is a mother-of-two who gave birth to her two daughters using the sperm of an anonymous donor whom she had picked from the catalog. Jessica’s wife, however, took the other daughter with her after she and Jessica broke up.


12 years after the mother conceived her first child with the anonymous sperm donor, young Alice, Jessica’s daughter, set on a quest to discover more about her blood relatives and find out who her father is.


After ordering a DNA testing kit, it was only a matter of time before Jessica and Alice tracked down the sperm donor.

According to BBC Stories, “the results came back eight weeks later. The first thing Jessica read was, ‘Aaron Long: 50%. Father.’ ‘Bryce: 25%. Half-brother’ was right behind.”


Following the results of the DNA testing, the mother and daughter did some online digging to learn more about Aaron Long.


“Jessica looked for Alice’s biological father online, eventually finding an Aaron Long matching the few details she had about the original donor,” BBC Stories explained.

“When she saw his school photos that he’d posted online there was no doubt – her daughters made the same stupid face!”


As it turned out, Aaron fathered around 67 children as a result of his sperm donations. He was also featured in Forty Dollar A Pop, a documentary that revolves around his journey to reconnect with the children he fathered.


After finding out that Aaron was more than willing to meet his daughter, Jessica decided to take a trip to Seattle and meet the man from the catalog. After getting to know him, she also began wondering whether he could be more than simply the genetic father.


“I found myself wondering if my children’s person could also be my person, and if Seattle was a place for us to land while we figured it out,” she told BBC.


“When heterosexual people meet and date and get married, they often look with devotion at one another and think it would be wonderful to have little people who look like both of them. I’d already spent a decade with those little people.


“I spent my first date with Aaron relaying their lives to him. I already knew him and knew he was just like these people I love more than anyone else in the world. He was already family in some ways.

“His smirk and his coloring are those of my youngest daughter. His empathy and socialism? My eldest.”


After getting to know each other better, Jessica and Alice have moved in with Aaron and his other genetic relatives. As the mother now expressed, genetics play a much bigger role than she thought they would.


“I’d gladly take any of our new half-siblings inside, make them lunch, do their laundry and take care of them forever.


“DNA has become far more important than it was when I picked a donor from a page. Yet it hasn’t replaced the truism that families are built on love, not genes.”

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