Categories: Familylife

Mom Listed 27 Things She Wishes She Knew Before Having Kids, And Other Parents Agree With Her

There is no doubt that parenting is the hardest job you will ever have.


You can attend all classes and read all the books, but once your little one arrives in this world, there will be more questions than answers.

One mom listed 27 things she wishes she knew before having children to give new parents some ideas of what is about to happen.



Casey Huff told Bored Panda: “Motherhood has given me a purpose I didn’t know I had. There’s something really humbling about having people who depend on you for everything, and it’s really put into perspective the things that really matter in life.”



There will be times when things won’t go the way you’d planned them to and that is okay. Casey advised: “If you’re at a low point and can’t physically take a break from raising your kids, find other ways to take a step back.



“Cancel a few activities you have planned. Have your kids take more independent time (even if it means turning on the TV for a bit longer than usual) for themselves so that you can find a few minutes of quiet for yourself.


“Wake up thirty minutes earlier to get a slower start to the day. Any way you can think of to find a few extra minutes of calm and quiet… Do it. It’s good for your mind, heart, and soul, and in return, it’s good for your kids!”


Casey added: “We’re all in this together. We all parent a little differently (which is okay), but we all need to step up and support one another. Motherhood is hard, but knowing someone has our back makes all the difference.”


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