Categories: life

Michelle Obama Refrains From Showing Support to Joe Biden

Michelle Obama, former First Lady to the White House has avoided defending former Vice President Joe Biden, who has been embroiled in controversy following his comments about two segregationists recently.


She was recently interviewed by Gayle King during the Essence Festival when she refused to comment on the ongoing battle for the 2020 United States Presidential Elections between Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris.

Biden has been gravely accused by Democratic Party members of commending two party members with whom he worked closely during his early years as a worker in the United States Senate.


The two party members in question are Senator James Eastland and Senator Herman Talmage, both of whom are known to advocate the idea of separating different racial groups.


Of Eastland, Biden reminisced about his younger days when he was working with the man, saying he always treated him like a son. Eastland is known to be the flag bearer of the so called “White South” vehemently opposing civil rights.


Coming to his comments about Talmage, Biden said that despite his attitude and mean behaviour, Talmage and him always got things done no matter what.

He also said that there is a bit of civility towards his relationship with Talmage despite being enemies.


Opposition Kamala Harris used these comments against Biden during the first Democratic Presidential Debate saying that it is quite resentful to hear about political members building their careers by separating different racial groups in the country.


Biden stood by his words for a long time but eventually gave up and issued an apology saying he regretted his comments about Talmage and Eastland.

He apologised for the misunderstanding which might have been caused, making people think he was praising the two men for their political ideologies supporting White Supremacy.


Coming back to Michelle Obama, she let the public know that she and her husband, former president Barack Obama will not be promoting any candidate for the 2020 presidential elections just yet.


Stating that it is too early to support anyone, they will show their support to whoever wins the primary vote to the party.

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