Categories: life

Local Business Owner Donated All The Supplies Needed to Build a Ramp Before The Firefighter Came Back Home

It is a conception and a prevalent image of all the business companies that they are money suckers and that the companies are only in the market to make more and more money and to make no charity or a helping deed for anyone.


While this can be true a lot of times, there are some exceptions where the case is different. Not all business owners are working in a single way. They at times think of giving it back to society too.


Josh Woodward who worked as a firefighter had no idea what was coming his way. The young man worked hard and saved people from fire. The man who worked to save lives did not know one day his own life will be under such a huge danger.


Josh’s job demanded a lot of physical work. While working one day he got a cut on his shoulder. For instance, it was nothing serious to him but it turned out to be very serious later.


While the cut was still fresh, he developed cough that gave strep bacterial infection to his cut.


The bacteria soon turned into a blood infection that causes a catastrophic immune response. This meant he only had about a 5% chance at life. He entered the hospital because he required intubation as he was not able to breathe.


He underwent 6 surgeries and these surgeries took away his fingers but that was not enough. The doctors had to amputee his hand off to save him.

He also lost all his toes and a major part of his heel. This means that he was going to have a hard time walking again and until then the wheelchair was his only support.


The doctors told his wife that they will release him soon and the next step to panic was how he would get into the house without a ramp.

The same was shared by her on her social media where a local businessman saw it and decided to help. He took care of all the supply and labors to make the ramp. This is not it; he also bought doughnuts and coffee for the labors and did not even charge a penny.


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