Categories: Culturelife

Everyone’s Instagram Pictures Are Starting To Look The Same

An Instagram page, Insta Repeat shares compilation of repeated shots shared on the app.


The page has 300k followers and it is created by an anonymous 27-year-old from Anchorage, Alaska, the filmmaker and artist told Photoshelter that “A purpose of Insta Repeat is to critique originality in media creation through the lens (pun intended) of this one ‘genre’ of Instagram photography accounts.”

She told Bored Panda: “I have noticed it in general on a lot of different platforms and media and have been guilty of it myself for sure,”


“Artists and creators fall into patterns. But I think that what is happening on Instagram is more extreme.”

Check out to see the pictures shared by ‘Insta Repeat’ which show the repeated shots.

1. Same shots of people standing on the rock in a lake


2. A single tent captured in the same way in each picture


3. The person standing in front of this big rock


4. ”This place again”


5. Wohho! how similar this shot is. People splashing their drink out of mugs


6. ”Disembodied hand holding leaf”


7. ”Little person on big abandoned plane”


8. People holding leaf


9. ”Canoe but with red”


10. “Vertical road drone”


11. ”Flashlight up again”


12. ”Films not dead”


13. ”Person centered and sitting on rock near lake”


14. ”Person in middle of snowy road”


15. ”Wow this bridge is SO cool- so glad I get to see it from ALL angles”


16. ”Person centered on a curly tree road”


17. ”Check your mirrors!”


18. Similarly captured


19. ”Person at the edge of a cliff ”


20. ”Person at the edge of a cliff”




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