Categories: life

Husband Married For 20 Years Revealed Why He Doesn’t Regret Cheating On His Wife At Least Once A Week

Individuals who cheat on their partners often feel the sense of guilt and sorrow once the deed is done.


However, a married man from Australia has shamelessly admitted that he seeks out affairs with other women and he has no plans to stop.

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The 42-year-old businessman from Sydney, Frank said that he had been married for two decades and started cheating on his partner eight years into their marriage.


He said that his wife had had a massive change in her personality and with years passed, she has only become aggressive towards him.

He cheats on his wife at least once a week and meets up with his mistress during the daytime. He said that the woman he is currently seeing runs her own business. It makes it easier for her to arrange and plan her day. He also said that they have rules regarding what they can talk and how.

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He said that the only difficult thing in this type of lifestyle is finding and organizing secret meeting place away from the meddling eyes.


He said that it is not always easy as they tend to have sex in hotels, parks, and even in each other’s houses.

Frank said that he does feel guilty about him cheating on his wife, but somehow the guilt never lasts long.

He said that the woman he is currently seeing is married like him, have kids and runs her own business, so it becomes easier for them to get a connection. Moreover, he also said that he wouldn’t mind if he finds his wife cheating on him.


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