Categories: Foodlife

The 10 Healthiest Fruits On The Planet

We all know that fruits are healthy, and eating fruits regularly boost our health.


It has many benefits, including staving off illnesses like heart diseases and some cancers.

Every fruit has different benefit all are not equal.

Some are more nutritious than others. In the list below, you will find the benefit of every fruit on the basis of their nutritional value as well as taste and health benefits.


Check out the list below!

1. Avocados

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Avocado is very different from most other fruits.point 182 |  Most fruits are high in carbs, while avocado is low in carbs and it is the best source of healthy fats.point 267 |


The amount of fat in avocado is oleic acid, monounsaturated fat helps to reduced inflammation and better for heart health.point 103 | Avocados are loaded with potassium, fiber, and magnesium.point 153 | One whole avocado provides 28% of the RDI for potassium.point 200 | Avocados are healthy, but eat them in moderation because this fruit is high in saturated fat.point 278 |


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2. Kiwi


When we think of vitamin C, the first fruit comes to mind is the orange. But did you know that kiwis have more of this vitamin than orange? Aside from this vitamin, kiwis also have: Magnesium, Potassium, Fiber, Vitamin A.


3. Pomegranates


Pomegranates are packed with nutrients that make it really healthy source. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, more than the ones from blueberries, green tea, red wine, and cranberries. Studies say that pomegranates have anti-inflammatory effects and may help reduce the risk of cancer.


4. Apricots


Apricots are rich in iron and dietary fiber, you should add apricots in your list of favorite fruits. One apricot comes with iron, vitamin A for your eyes, antioxidants, and nutrients that boost your immunity.


5. Berries


From strawberries to blueberries, these fruits are a rich source of vitamin C and other antioxidants. They are good for everyone, they help older people who are prone to brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.


6. Cherries


This fruit is good for people who have a sleeping problem at night. Cherries are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, it is an excellent snack choice after working out. It has very low calories because they are made mostly of water.


7. Bananas

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Bananas are rich in vitamins and minerals and have many health benefits.point 179 | They are well known for being high in potassium.point 219 |


One medium banana provides 12% of the RDI for this mineral.point 49 | The carbs appeared in green, unripe bananas largely of resistant starch, which may improve blood sugar control and make you feel full.point 162 | Bananas have also pectin, which may improve blood sugar control and digestive health.point 235 |


Eating a banana before exercise is really good.point 40 | Studies say eating bananas regularly help lower blood pressure and can even improve your eyesight.point 124 | point 124 | 1

8. Red Grapes


Even the skin alone of these small fruits is really healthy with its resveratrol, which contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Red grapes are known for helping in lower your risk of developing heart disease and help your liver get rid of toxins in the body.


9. Lemon

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Lemons are a very healthy citrus fruit known for their high vitamin C content.point 181 | They are helpful in improving heart health due to their potential to lower blood lipids and blood pressure.point 271 |


Researchers have also proposed that the plant compounds in lemons can help prevent weight gain, and also the citric acid in lemon juice has the ability to treat kidney stones.point 146 | point 146 | 1

10. Apples

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It is the most common and popular fruit, people of every age group eat apple happily.point 334 |


They’re convenient, flavorful, and inexpensive.point 45 | No doubt apples are healthy, and their skin, are rich in antioxidants and fiber.point 112 | This fruit can lower heart disease risk, as well as strokes, Parkinson’s disease, and even some cancers.point 202 |


Another important health benefit of apples is their pectin content.point 58 | Pectin is a pre-biotic fiber that provides the good bacteria in your gut and helps improve digestion and metabolic health.point 161 | point 161 | 1


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