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12 Unique Food-Themed Costumes You Should Try This Halloween

Halloween is around the corner and it is one of that time of the year when we excitedly decorate our homes and try our best to don the best Halloween themed costume.


Everyone loves food, and what’s not to love about a Halloween costume that involves food? It can be hard to find something that stands out but you don’t need to worry about it anymore as we are presenting you food costume inspiration you should try this Halloween.


There are lots of simple, unique food Halloween costumes out there that will definitely impress everyone around you. Have a look at some awesome food costume to win Halloween this year.

1. Popcorn

Wow! This is the cutest popcorn we have ever witnessed. You can try this costume for yourself or your baby.


2. Toast in the toaster

This DIY costume is amazing as the creator has beautifully depicted a cute toast under the toaster.

Studio DIY

3. Mac & Cheese

Woohoo! Delicious Mac & Cheese in the form of a cutie. This DIY idea would definitely help you to get a lot of attention and CHEESY comments.

Costume Works

4. Salad

How about a Salad? All the healthy food lovers out there this costume is perfect for you.

Coolest Homemade Costumes

5. Bubble tea


This DIY idea is so easy to create as you need a white dress and pompoms to put as bubbles.

Aww Sam

6. Taco

Wow! This looks amazing. Isn’t it? You will get a lot of praises if you try this DIY costume this Halloween.

Aww Sam

7. Cotton candy

Aww! Such a sweet cotton candy. If you love cotton candy then go for this costume to stand out this Halloween.

Costume Works

8. Sushi

You need a pillow and scarf to create this outfit and Sushi is ready.


9. Grapes


How about a bunch of grapes. If you are trying this costume then please stay away from sharp objects so you don’t pop.

Cute Girl Hairstyles

10. Avocado


Are you expecting? If yes then this genius outfit is for you. All mothers-to-be can try this costume to show off their baby bump this Halloween.

Front Roe by Louise Roe

11. Pizza


How can we forget everyone’s favorite Pizza? A veggie pizza is a perfect costume to try this Halloween.

DIY Network

12. Starbucks Frappuccino


Now, here comes our favorite Frappuccino. This costume idea would definitely be good to try this Halloween. 

Southern Curls & Pearls





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