Categories: Healthlife

Follow These 5 Exercises and Flatten Your Belly Quickly Without a Waist Trainer

Fitness is a huge part of life and there are thousands of people who are indulged in working out to keep their body fit, healthy, and slim.


While there are several ways of losing weight, there are many people who only have the storage of fat in their waist area. So how can you work on it?

People prefer going for a waist trainer but that is not the right way to deal with your body. Besides, a waist trainer can be expensive. So why to waste your money when you can lose your belly fat and get a slim waist on your own?


So to help you with your need, we are here with a few exercises that will work on your waist and will give you that slim, shiny waist that you have been waiting for.


Twist side plank


Get into a side plank position with your elbow and foot supporting your body on the side. Now take the other hand and keep it behind your head. Now slowly start moving. Twist your body and take your hand and face down with twisting of the body.


Heel grab


Lie down on your back with your knees raised high. Now lift your head a little, looking at your knees. Now grab your heel without getting your back raised. Do alternatively with each hand.


Jack Knife 


Lie straight on your back. Now take your right hand and left leg. Raise both of them without a bend and touch your feet. Do the same with the other pair of your limbs.


Knee Hugs


As the name suggests you have to hug your knees. Lie down on your back first and keep your belly tight. Now rise and hug your knees. Do the same without getting difficult on your back.


Bicycle crunch


Just like you pedal a bike, the movement in this crunch is the same. This is a variant in the basic crunch. Hold your body raised up. Then just like you pedal a bicycle, start pedaling your legs in the air. Make sure you move your waist with the same too.


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