Categories: Healthlife

Exercise Makes People Happier Than Money, Proves New Study

Even though most of us ignore to wake up to the 5 am alarm to do some exercise, but studies have shown that people who exercise are happier than the people who don’t.


As per the researchers of Yale and Oxford, they recently conducted a study where they have analyzed the mental wellbeing and its relation with physical activity and income.

Through the research, they have found that the people who were engaged in exercise were happier than the people who choose not to exercise but were earning more than $25000 every year.

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Through the research, it has been found that people who exercise daily, face poor mental health for 35 days every year. While the people who don’t exercise face a poor mental health condition for 53 days every year which is once per week.


People who get engaged in sports activity are the one who is found to be the happiest followed by the cyclist and the people who get engaged in aerobic. But, in the research, it has also been found that people who get engaged in too much also have a negative impact on their health.


The study was published in The Lancet Psychiatry where the data has been analyzed from 2011, 2013 and the 2015 editions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System survey.


The scientists who were behind the mental health issue surveyed the total number of good days and the total number of bad days for people who exercise and don’t exercise.

As per the researchers, they used a specific mathematical procedure for calculating the balance which was based on numerous factors such as gender, race, salary, age, as well as BMI.


Till today, the major reasons behind health issue were depression, stress, and other emotional problems. But in the current research, lack of exercise also was termed as one of the major reasons.


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