Categories: life

Man Spent Years Trying To Uncover the Origins of the “S” Everyone Used to Draw In School

Most of us would have ended up scribbling the letter S a lot of times in our books during our school days but, have we ever thought about the logical reason behind the existence of this letter which is pretty famous amongst all the other letters in English.


A lot of us would have sat down with our friends during the leisure period scribbling and scratching things to find out what they are.


Well, we would not have paid as much attention as this You Tuber from Sweden has paid to know about the letter S.


It looks like this guy was pretty curious to know about this letter and decided to spend 5 valuable years in researching about the letter “S”. It looks like he has done quite a bit of job!


Well, while we are still thinking one of the You Tubers from Sweden has done quite a bit of research about this letter and has come up with some amazing facts and logical reasoning behind the letter S.


This boy has done a research on this letter for five continuous years and I guess, that’s pretty commendable job, isn’t it?


His YouTube channel Lemmino answers all the possible questions that arise around this letter.


Initially, like all of us even this boy had no clue as to what this letter would mean but slowly as he started researching more and more on the same topic he was able to come to a conclusion that countries like Iceland, Wisconsin, Australia, Greece, and many others also recognized this letter.


This You Tuber, David Wångstedt is from Swedish origin and he says that he also had to go through a lot of things like the others before it brought him to a few conclusions which he has been able to draw now.


The You Tuber also did mention that this letter is related to the famous US clothing brand Stussy and also to the popular brand Suzuki.

After scrolling through millions of comments the boy finally found a lot of information about this letter from an art piece that was completed by Jean-Michel Basquiat in the year 1980.


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