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22 Emotionally Charged Photos That Can Melt Everyone’s Heart

Humans are full of emotions and these are adaptive responses we experience when we feel something.


If something melts your heart, it affects you emotionally and you are unable to control these feelings.


We have collected a number of such photos that would make you smile, cry and think a little more deeply.

  1. This couple is married for 60 years now.point 211 |

    The wife is suffering from stroke and dementia, but the husband is still there for her and will always be.point 87 |

point 87 |
Source: © BDreySM / reddit
  1. This man sat with a gorilla after the death of its mother.point 257 |

    Feelings of both can be clearly seen in this photo.point 42 |

point 42 |
Source: gDisasters / reddit
  1. Every era ends! Last goodbye from The Toys ‘R Us giraffe!
point 215 |

point 0 |

Source: @whattabxtch

  1. Homeless and jobless man in Silicon Valley handing out copies of his resume.point 183 | This photo went viral and he got job offers from Apple, Google and more.point 242 |

point 0 |
Source: unknown / reddit © TooShiftyForYou / reddit
  1. Puppy sleeping with an old man on a park bench!
point 183 |
Source: StuffyUnicorn / reddit
  1. A man from Saudi Arabia, teaching his wife how to drive.point 356 |

point 0 |
Source: amro_faraj / reddit
  1. a couple sharing the true spirit of Christmas with the world
point 178 |
Source: pdmcmahon / reddit
  1. The man on the left side attended 7-word cups and passed away in 2015.point 358 |

    His son carried on his legacy this year.point 33 |

point 33 |
Source: LFC_Joe26 / reddit
  1. A note by a daughter to his father who told him that he did not have a lot of money this week.point 229 |

point 0 |
Source: unknown / reddit
  1. The Partizan Belgrade goalkeeper comforting his teammate after he got barraged with racist chants for 90 minutes
point 221 |

point 0 |

Source: unknown / reddit

  1. Photo of a man who was having his last chemo treatment for breast cancer.point 181 |
point 181 |
Source: pugbug / reddit
  1. The guy is looking up for vet services for an injured sparrow at a coffee shop.point 365 |

point 0 |
Source: Au_Struck_Geologist / reddit
  1. The Japanese team lost World Cup 2018, but cleaned their locker room and left a thank you note.point 211 |

point 0 |
Source: ESPNFC
  1. The man gave his Kindle to this homeless man who had been reading the same book again and again.point 191 |
point 191 |
Source: © mjuad / reddit
  1. “My wife loves giraffes, so when we first started dating, I took her to her first close up experience with one.point 417 |

point 3 |
Source: LeftHandedToe / reddit
  1. This man helps this gym employee with calculus on a daily basis.point 183 |
point 183 |
Source: GonnaNeedEarPlugs / reddit
  1. A nervous cadet reporting for his first day of duty
point 360 |

point 0 |

Source: duglasfresh / reddit

  1. A senior citizen donating tennis balls to the dogs at a local animal shelter
point 196 |
Source: GallowBoob / reddit
  1. The bride’s father died 10 years ago and his heart was donated.point 376 |

    The man who received the transplant was the one to walk her down the aisle in place of her father.point 85 |

point 85 |
Source: Feldman742 / reddit
  1. This man helped an older man who was afraid of an escalator.point 258 |

point 0 |
Source: GallowBoob / reddit
  1. In 1998, the same officer saved this girl’s life in a devastating fire.point 191 | In 2016, he watched her graduate from college.point 234 |

point 0 |
Source: LtFoley
  1. This man lost 300lb weight in 2 years.point 145 | After that, he met his nutritionist to reclaim his health.point 194 |
point 194 |
Source: RandomExcess / reddit

 point 326 | 1


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