Categories: Healthlife

5 Early Signs Of Arthritis People Should Be Aware Of

Arthritis is not a single disease; it is a term referring to various disorders that primarily affect the joints.


This common health condition can significantly impact one’s quality of life and impair their abilities.



While the illness mostly affects the elderly, middle-aged adults and even children may experience it as well. To better understand how you can detect arthritis, here are the top early signs you shouldn’t ignore.

1. Joint Pain

The primary arthritis symptom is joint pain which is often accompanied by swelling around the affected areas. The pain may make it harder for the person to finish their daily tasks. While the pain may be persistent, it usually presents itself in waves.



2. Loss Of Range Of Motion

As a result of pain and swelling, you may experience a loss of range of motion. Depending on the affected area, this could make it difficult for you to move your fingers, bend, or sit or stand for a prolonged time.


3. Joint Redness

In addition to swelling, the skin around the affected areas may change color by turning red.


4. Fatigue

People with arthritis often feel tired and seem to lack energy which can have consequences on their social life and mood.


5. Anemia

Chronic inflammation provoked by arthritis may result in a reduction in red blood cells count. Lack of these causes anemia, a condition in which the body doesn’t have adequate healthy red blood cells at disposal to transport sufficient oxygen to the tissues.



While there is no cure for this disease, there are plenty of treatments that can make the condition more bearable and prevent the symptoms from worsening over time.



Two most common treatment methods include selective exercising and anti-inflammatory diet. Some people also opt for supplements which may help rebuild joint strength and counter the damage left behind by arthritis.

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