Categories: Healthlife

Early Breast Cancer Warning Signs That You Should Never Ignore

Breast cancer is a form of cancer that affects the cells in the breasts.


Following skin cancer, this type of cancer is the most common one diagnosed in women. In rare cases, it may also affect men.

In the U.S., approximately 1 in 8 women experience breast cancer in their lifetime.



According to breastcancer.org, “in 2018, an estimated 266,120 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 63,960 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.”

For that reason, it is important to perform medical- or self-examination and seek help if you discover any of these warning signs!


1. Lumps

Lumps are primary indicators that there is something in your breasts that shouldn’t be there. They don’t even have to be painful or cause discomfort to be cancerous. Besides their presence on the breasts, they may also occur in the armpits.



2. Skin Changes

Changes in the skin may indicate breast cancer. These changes usually consist of skin thickening, dimpling in the breast, redness, or pitted rashes.


3. Nipple Changes

Breast cancer may also result in altering the skin of the nipple. Sometimes, the skin of the nipple becomes flaky or scaly while in some occasions the nipple might even retract into the breast.



4. Breast Temperature Changes

Inflammation caused by cancer can affect the breast temperature and make your breast feel warmer to the touch than other body parts.

5. Size Changes

If the tumor grows large, the affected breast may become bigger than the healthy one. While some women naturally have one breast bigger than the other, you should watch out for sudden size changes.



6. Pain or Itchiness

While cancerous lumps normally aren’t painful, they may cause nipples and breasts to become very irritated and itchy. If pain occurs, it usually affects one spot only and doesn’t go away.


7. Fluid Discharge

Nipples discharging bloody or clear fluid may be affected by breast cancer. The discharge is visibly different from breast milk.

8. Growing Veins

Visible veins are normally not an issue. What you should stay on the lookout for are veins that suddenly become much bigger or rise from the skin.


Flickr/David Goehring

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