Categories: FoodHealthlife

What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t Drink Alcohol for 28 Days Straight

Hey you, yes you just read it right.


I am talking about 28 days without alcohol. No, don’t lose hope so soon, you can do it.

We get it, even if you are not a regular drinker, going 28 days without alcohol can be very difficult. But if you stick to it, your body will have a lot of positive changes starting with losing weight.


Of course, you will crave for a little, but if you make it through the 28 days, you will notice the difference that is definitely great.


Week 1 – There is a great chance of you giving up just within the first week if you are a regular drinker but you haven’t kudos for you. In the first week, you will start having a more regulated sleep circle.


Alcohol makes you fall asleep faster but the quality of sleep is not satisfying and good. You may sleep later than usual but the quality of sleep will improve and you will get back in the cycle.

Also, you will be more hydrated as alcohol will not be absorbing all the water present in your body anymore.


Week 2 – By the second week, your skin will be better, the puffiness you may have in your body and eyes will get better, and if you have a problem of reflux and heartburn, that will get better too.


Week 3 – By the third week, your blood pressure would have lowered down and the best part is, you would have cut down a lot of calories that were taking in without a thought before.


Also, you will start eating better and you will crave lesser for junk food.

Week 4- If you made it this far, congratulations for saving a lot of money, for better and glowing skin, on all the lost calories, better sleep, and great health.

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