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Doll Gifted By Mum On Christmas Found to Have Stuffed with Cocaine

A mother bought her little girl an expensive mermaid doll for Christmas 2015.


Elizabeth Faidley spent $500 on the hand-made present for her daughter, Ellie.

The doll, Pearl, did not have an appealing appearance with scaly skin and fuzzy green hair. 


Elizabeth shares the bizarre story each year of how she became involved in a drug investigation, and 2019 was not any different.


Elizabeth shared the picture of Pearl on social media and explained how Ellie always demanded a mermaid doll but never warmed up to this one.


She wrote that she sat her daughter down and then Ellie exclaimed that she wanted a pretty one. Upon this, Elizabeth said that what matters is not the outside but the inside.


The duo then had an entire discussion where Elizabeth tried to lure Ellie into loving the doll. She said that Pearl is very cuddly and soft and then put the doll under a special blanket. 


However, Ellie did not like the idea and was never attracted to the doll. She even said that things were messed up with the doll.


Eventually, Elizabeth sent the doll to a doll hospital to get it fixed. However, on a closer look, the firm discovered two ounces of cocaine hidden in its head.


Elizabeth was called afterward and the police believed Elizabeth’s story about how she had no idea about the hidden drugs. The detective then joked that Elizabeth could have instead bought Ariel from a Disney store. 


Elizabeth is no longer the suspect after she told that she had bought the doll from Alabama’s Etsy store. This helped the police in arresting the person involved.

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