Categories: +Animaislife

Meet The Cutest Animal You Never Even Knew Existed: Aardwolf

Animals are wonderful creatures.


Their abilities, characteristics, appearance, and even the way they show affection to humans leave us all in awe.

You may think that you already know all the most adorable animals out there, but have you heard of an aardwolf?

Ohange Namibia Lodge

Aardwolves are native to East and Southern Africa, and they live in underground burrows. While they don’t usually dig the holes themselves, they prefer to stay in abandoned burrows of other creatures.


Unlike their bone-chomping cousins, hyena, aardwolves like to eat termites. They have long sticky tongues that they use for catching termites.

Hennie van Heerden

Just one aardwolf can munch on up to 300,000 termites per night!


Adult aardwolves grow to almost the same size as a fox, and because they are monogamous animals, they prefer to stay with the same mate for the rest of their lives.


One amazed internet user wrote: “Very cool to see these animals getting some love and attention. The documentary Castles of Clay and the The Rich Man’s Table episode of The Velvet Claw series both have very nice footage of these guys doing their stuff in the wild.”


Another wrote: “The adult looks like the Pokemon furrett! They are very cute, but not quite as cute as sugar gliders, they are absolutely adorable!”


A third added: “Wow! love it when I learn something new every day. Heard about aardwolves but never seen one. Beautiful animal. Thanks.”

Someone else said: “I never saw these aardwolves before either, they´re adorable, I hope they won´t be killed by some wild-gone hunters or poachers!!!”

Nigel J Dennis

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