Categories: Animals/Petslife

The Cute Puppy Makes a Bold Move at Jenga

This dog playing Jenga perfectly is one of the most surprising videos that you will ever see!
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Ashley Agapiou brought this 5-month-old chocolate colored Labrador home, and she is an excellent little pup. The labrador’s name is Remy, and her personality itself is very irresistible for the people who see her.

She loves to demonstrate her toys to other people by showing them to you on your face or climbing all over you to get your attention.


The group of people who weren’t interested in watching basketball started playing a round of Jenga, and that’s when Remy made an amazing move.


Agapiou kept watching Remy while she was charmed with the Jenga as it was a major play at that moment. Soon after seeing Remy get so excited with Jenga, Agapiou took out her phone and started recorded the pup.

The current round was getting typically hard for the people, but that’s when Remy made a bold move.


Just when everybody was scared about Remy going near the Jenga blocks, she pawed out at one of the base squared, which was a dangerous move. Remy slowly pulled out the piece and once the Jenga tower wobbled but then got still again.


It was crazy to see the pup making such a bold move at Jenga without destroying the tower. Everybody sitting around were totally stunned to see how the little dog made the most dangerous move but still managed to keep the tower still.


Usually, Remy isn’t allowed to touch any other toy which doesn’t belong to her, but while she was trying her best to take this one piece out, nobody around her tried to stop her.


It is a fantastic video to see the little lab take out the block without making all the blocks fall out of line and destroying the game.

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